dog behavior training & destructive chewing

destructive chewing and a dog that stopped ..

destructive chewing and a dog that stopped ..

Dog behavior issues = destructive chewing

This dog behaviour issue barely scrapes in the top ten of main issues owners wanted solved. However I think for a properly exercised dog it should be in the top five issues.

Coming from New York City, most of my friends live in apartments, have small dogs and dogs that are not exercised enough, want to guess the end result?

What is destructive chewing and what is it caused by?

You would think that both of these questions have obvious answers, but in fact for most people it seems that they are trick questions.

Destructive chewing is in the eye of the owner.

If you have nothing of value in your house or yard, and the dog isn’t getting in danger, then some people will let a dog chew almost anything.

The major chewing stage for dogs is as a puppy because of teething, just like a human infant. that is when you buy a dog lots of soft but solid toys to chew and none break bones etc. Some people will use teething formula on a dogs gums, all good if it is approved for dogs.

Destructive dog chewing that is very bad is the kind where they chew expensive things like leather couches or put their lives at risk by chewing power cords etc.

People expect puppies to grow out of chewing when they turn about 1 to 1.5 years old, but that isn’t the case for all breeds. Some dogs dont get out of this phase because their owners don’t walk them to stop the dogs boredom.

When should destructive dog chewing naturally stop?

Dogs usually have a high energy between 1 and 4 years old and if you don’t continue to exercise them off lead, to burn excess energy and socialise your dogs, they will often continue to chew through boredom. If you leave your dog bored long enough this chewing can become a life long habit and something that you may never break.

Adult dogs that are walked enough and not bored but like chewing can often be given properly dried bones that are dried specifically for dogs, but caution is given that they don’t wear their teeth down.

That is when a whole array of softer than bone treats but harder than composite meat dog treats are ideal, like trotters, snouts, pigs ears, tendons etc.

Care must be given that dogs dont choke eating these goods and that they don’t get too fat.

A properly exercised adult dog usually doesn’t have to crave chewing through boredom or habit.

So if you do have a dog that has chewed all of its life and potentially puts you or themselves at risk, perhaps its time to see a dog behaviorist or take them for more exerting walks?

Good luck!